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310 NW 4th Ave
Delray Beach, FL, 33444
United States


Domaine Luxe is an award winning, boutique Interior Design firm in Delray Beach, Florida. We create uniquely alluring, well designed, safe havens at home combining livable luxury and artfully curated spaces, exclusively designed for our clients who need a turnkey design process.


Filtering by Tag: kitchen and bath design

Timeless Kitchen Cabinet Trends for 2025: Elevate Your Home with Luxury and Functionality

Denise Jadd

As we spring into 2025, kitchen design continues to evolve, blendingaesthetics with functionality. This year, we're seeing exciting trends in kitchen design and luxury kitchen cabinetry. Our carefully curated kitchen cabinet trends for 2025 promise to turn your culinary space into a chic and functional centerpiece of your home. Let's explore this Delray Beach Designer’s top tips and advantages to consider for kitchen cabinets that will last the test of time for your home investment,and dominate 2025.

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Domaine Luxe Featured in Insider for Bath Design Trends

Denise Jadd

We are thrilled to share that the expertise of Domaine Luxe was featured in Insider!

The online giant Insider asked Domaine Luxe head Interior Designer, Denise Jadd to give some insight as to what's hot and what's not in bathroom trends this season.

Bathrooms have become elevated living space in our safe havens. They serve as our at-home wellness spa, a sanctuary to escape the outside pressures, and a destination to relieve stress, besides being a place for hygiene.

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